

Are <meta itemprop=""> tags still relevant in 2023?

So today in 2023, are the <meta itemprop=> tags still taken into account by the different search engines or not?

Day25 前端可以做到的SEO

<meta></meta> :在meta 可以放置許多跟網站有關的資訊,例如keyword, description 等 ... org/Book> <meta itemprop=bookFormat content=EBook/DAISY3/> <meta ...

Getting started with using Microdata is a set of extensible schemas that enables webmasters to embed structured data on their web pages for use by search engines and other ...

itemprop - HTML: HyperText Markup Language

The itemprop global attribute is used to add properties to an item. Every HTML element can have an itemprop attribute specified, ...

Should we use name="description" or itemprop= ...

The standard format is: <meta name=description content=What you'd like to appear on a search result>. Be wary that descriptions won't ...

Standard meta tags and meta image tags (and sizes).

Standard meta tags and meta image tags (and sizes). - meta-tags.html.

What is the purpose of <meta itemprop=" ">

They are used to provide richer information to social networks when sharing such as more specific titles, descriptions, and thumbnails.


<meta itemProp=name content=我要準時下班劇情預告我,絕不加班! | KKTV 難以抗劇 /> <meta itemProp=thumbnailUrl content=https://image.

微資料標籤- 目錄- 文件

微資料標籤. 微資料是一種HTML 規範,可用來將中繼資料巢放在網頁上現有的內容中。微資料使用支援詞彙來描述項目,並使用名稱與值的配對來為其屬性指派值。

結構化資料SEO 與meta 標籤

<meta itemprop=name content=網站名稱或標題> <meta itemprop=image content=要顯示的縮圖網址> <meta itemprop=description content=網頁描述>. 而這四行 ...